ROAD-UAE Features
Continuous Footage
Each video runs for 2.5 to 3 minutes, contributing to a total of 57 minutes of video in the dataset.
Heterogenous Annotations
Three main categories of agents are annotated and: people, vehicles, and traffic lights. The vehicle category is divided into 6 classes and people into pedestrians and cyclists.
Variety of Scenarios
Captures the unique road topology and traffic congestion characteristic of the Gulf Region.
Tracking Annotations
Bounding boxes with consistent tracking ids are provided for all road agents over the frames.
Action Annotations
Action labels generated as ”action tubes” at the frame level.
Road Event Annotations
Road event detections in the form of triplets (Agent, Action, Location) labeled as tubes of frame-level detections.
Total number of annotated frames: 34 386
Total number of boundind boxes annotations: 277 150
Total number of unique agents: 4209
Total duration of the videos: 57 min
Total number of vehicles: 3729
Total number of pedestrians: 222